WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, making it a prime target for hackers and malware. We do our best server side to keep malware out and we use a Web
Application Firewall to deflect known WordPress attacks from gaining entry to your WordPress Application. We also run regular malware scans across our server fleet. Our team can offer advice on anything contained below just reach out to us via live chat or by opening a support ticket.
Here are some ways to secure a WordPress website against malware and hackers:
Keep WordPress up to date:
WordPress releases regular updates to fix security vulnerabilities and bugs. Keep your WordPress core,
themes, and plugins up to date to ensure your website is secure. You can keep abreast of the changes to
versions here: https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/ – you should also keep on top of your plugin updates as many plugin updates are specifically released to target known security issues.
Use strong login credentials:
Use a strong and unique username and password for your WordPress login. Consider using a password
manager to generate and store strong passwords.
Limit login attempts:
Limit the number of login attempts to your WordPress website to prevent brute force attacks. You can use
plugins like Login Lockdown or Limit Login Attempts to limit login attempts.
Use 2 Factor Authentication
Enable 2FA on your WordPress login page so you need your phone with the Autnenticator app to get a
second level password each time you need to log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
Change the Default Login URL:
To help prevent bots from trying to brute force your website you should consider changing your WordPress login URL to something non standard. A plugin such as iThemes Security can help with this (see below).
Use security plugins:
Use security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri, or iThemes Security to protect your website from malware,
brute force attacks, and other security threats.
Use SSL/TLS encryption:
Install an SSL/TLS certificate on your website to encrypt passwords as you send them from your PC to the
server and protect user privacy. This can also improve your website’s search engine rankings.
Disable file editing:
Disable file editing in your WordPress dashboard to prevent hackers from editing your site’s core files. You can do this by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file: define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);
Back up your website regularly:
Back up your website regularly to ensure you can restore it in case of a security breach. You can use
plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackWPup to schedule backups.
Use a Firewall / Server Security Software to Block nefarious activity:
Infected servers around the world called botnets regularly work to infect and attack WordPress websites
around the world. A plugin above such as Wordfence will help block such activity. We also have some
additional products available for your server that can help block such malicious traffic from known IP
addresses and we can quote for these products on request.
By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve the security of your WordPress website
and protect it from malware and hackers. Remember our team are experts at what we do and can be on
hand to offer advice as needed just reach out to us by opening a support ticket from the support link on this website.